A downloadable game

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You're a new Ambassador, in a land of Monsterfolk.

Explore new lands, befriend new species, and form relationships with foreign ambassadors!

Thanks for playing! This is the start of a complete remake of Monster Ambassador: Redux, a game I worked on in 2020-2021. Currently, it's a short demo with one romanceable character, and lots of content to come.

Just like before, I'll be putting out regular releases with new areas to explore, species to befriend, and characters to meet!

The Game

What's new:

Welcome to The Embassy has a ton of new mechanics, new characters, fully updated art, completely rewritten story and dialogue, and is coded from scratch so this game can expand faster and larger than ever! I'm really excited to be bringing this project to life the way I originally intended. 

What's the same:

  • Familiar faces are back- cheerful, flirty, and grouchy as ever!
  • The story follows a similar track - with some new surprises!
  • All updates will be free to play during development!

And, as always:

  • You can play as either gender and romance whoever you want!

What's coming soon:

  • Dates - find locations as you explore and plan the perfect outing!
  • Save / Load
  • Pets - Some creatures you find will need your care. Collect food on outings to help them grow!
  • Repair the embassy; unlock new rooms and decorations to bring Isola back to life
  • Quest tracking
  • Male ambassadors
  • So, so much content!

There's only one species to befriend in this release, but in the future, the tone you pick will impact how species view you and want to interact.

Helpful notes: 

  1. Lamias prefer friendly ambassadors, but it's possible to have any dominant tone with the right strategy
  2. The fire in the dining lounge looks hungry…

Completion checklist 

(how to know when you've seen everything!)

  • Find a pet
  • Get invited to a bedroom
  • Meet someone unexpected with a warm personality


Found a bug? Send it through the bug reporter!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

WelcomeToTheEmbassy.zip 87 MB


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nop is not that is that the app cant find a download file

I noticed the Music Volume slider doesn't work right now. The other two do what they're supposed to, but the Music slider doesn't change anything. There also doesn't seem to be any way to quit, other than just using Alt + F4.

Thanks for letting me know! 

For quitting the game, you can exit to main menu and then Quit. I'll add an option to quit directly from the pause menu in a future build :) 

I don't see any way to exit to the main menu, either.

Very strange! I tested it in my local build before replying. I'll have to look into this for the next one. Thanks!

just started the game and im gonna say that the fps needs to be capped...

as the game has about 800-1000 fps which is unnecessary

(and using my gpu to 100% for some reason)


I'll add framerate options in the next build :) Thanks!

cant download by the ichio app fix it please


There are no settings for the itch.io app vs. webpage on the development end, it may be a problem with your firewall. This post has some potential solutions. https://itch.io/post/597689

Yes there are. That setting is exclusively on the developer's end. Users can do nothing.

the code execution cannot proceed because unityplayer.dll was not found reinstalling the program may fix this problem?

(1 edit)

The .exe file needs to be launched from the folder you download - if you move the .exe it won't be able to find the files it needs to run (like unityplayer.dll).
The folder must also be unzipped, it cannot be played by entering the zipped folder and opening the exe without unzipping. 

These are the only reasons I can think of for this error! If you keep getting it try redownloading.